
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

A Scholarship Opportunity

My family, doctor, and I were anxious to know my results on my CT scan from friday. On monday we had a serious talk with my doctor. My doctor wanted to show my mom and I what it looked like, but really we were clueless since we didn't really know what we were looking at. He showed us how on both sides of my nose is my sinus cavities, one showed darker than the other. He explained that on my left sinus it was full and dark and well... that's not a good thing. After giving me a needle biopsy,
he wanted me to go into surgery for my biopsy as soon as possible which happened to be on March 14th two days after that appointment. I was a bit nervous for my first real surgery. We waited for a long while and let me tell you the attire really isn't much and uncomfortable, but the socks were warm! I joked with my parents while we waited I said "Hey, maybe if it's cancer I could atleast get a scholarship!" They laughed, but they told me not to joke like that cause what if? Well, I already assumed it was and was trying to make conversation. There are many victims that are very sensitive about the subject, but for me I like to joke about it around others. I won't make fun of anyone else's cancer but me it helps get over the pain that still lingers.
When I woke up from my almost three hour surgery I was feeling really good, but barely able to open my eyes. Whoever was taking care of me at the time, had me in a separate room with a oxygen mask on my mouth (that was pretty cool). Before I really woke up I remember hearing a bunch of women gossiping, then they realized I was opening my eyes and supposedly wheeled me out, but I truly don't remember moving anywhere. I was starting to feel a little nauseated and asked for a bucket, but mom and dad came in and told me it would be better if we got home right away. I didn't want to go anywhere I was feeling sick and didn't want to puke on anybody's shoes!
They let me sit for a while and urged me to eat a cracker I ate two bird bites and couldn't seem to get it down, I had help getting dressed and my parents wheeled me out, while I puked in a bag. On the ride home I got a bit dizzy and even more sick so I puked once again. Finally when I got home and fell on my bed utterly exhausted, and yes I did puke again. I slept very little becuase I felt too sick to even sleep. I remember my friend and co-worker Chris had come over and gave me some flowers, Cheeze-its, and a funny shirt. I really did't care what I looked like which was of course was a mess, but he was a saint to come over.
Later that night my mom tried to get me to eat almost anything, but I couldn't get anything down before puking my guts out. I gave up and tried to sleep again. The next morning was rough to get me ready to go back to the doctors to get my drain removed. That was a relief to have out of my body. The rest of the week I relaxed and ate all kinds of food. The following week I had my wound check and was doing really well.
On the March 22nd I got my stitches out finally and my doctor gave me another serious talk. By talk I mean "The" talk where the doctor tells you that you indeed have cancer. I was expecting it, my mom started crying and the doctor looked at me again and asked "Do you understand what I just told you?" of course I understood, I knew the news was coming sooner or later so at that moment it really didn't phase me. He told me it was called Neuroendocrine Carcinoma. I thought to myself,"Okay, I have cancer I am going to be one of those people who can handle it and come out stronger than ever". That afternoon I told my family, they were all a bit shocked and yet I wasn't. I was the one that had it together from hearing the news. I knew they had felt bad for me, but I felt worse that they felt that bad.
March 23rd, I saw my specialized doctor to go over my future plans to fight my cancer.
Dr. Hunter was a nice older man, but I was a bit nervous about his plans.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Tiffany,
    It is absolutely unfair of you to update so infrequently. I thoroughly enjoy your writing and I would love to hear the rest of this story. But it is good to hear from you again, It has been quite a while.
    Your friend, Luke
