
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

First Scare

My first doctor visit was on February 24th to see Dr. Nelsen at Jordan Valley. I wanted my mom to come with me to this visit because I knew from the start I needed some support since I didn't know what was happening.
While we waited my mom was telling me her high hopes of the future how now since my brother Dallin came home from serving an LDS mission in Chile, that she can start saving up money for my parents to go on their trip to Hawaii. They have been wanting to go since well.. forever.
I was also talking about my high hopes of hurrying through school to graduate with my associates degree as soon as possible, I was telling my mom how anxious and nervous I was to plan my schedule for going to school through the summer while working full time. Next, my name was called and they asked me all my personal questions like height, age, and to explain my circumstance with my neck. When the dr. Nelsen came in he was a very positive young man. Even the way he talked, he was a little hyper about his work. He explained to me that this lump on my throat happens quite frequently to young women my age, that struck me as odd because I never knew or heard anyone that had this. He told me to take some antibiotics for the next two weeks and that he would talk to me in two weeks to see what the problem is. Two weeks had gone by and I noticed that not only did the lump get bigger but I also noticed one in front of my left ear, not nearly as big, but noticable.
My second visit with the doctor was March 2nd. We discussed that it has recently gotten bigger, now my doctor seemed a bit skeptical and worried. He wanted me to fit me in to get a CT scan done right away, and by right away he ment that afternoon.
I called my work to tell them that I wasn't coming because I had to take care of some medical issues, now my boss Alex was very easy going about everything I couldn't have asked for a better boss at the time, but I still wanted to make it back to work if I could so I hoped the scans wouldn't take too long. We still had around two hours till I had to do my scan so my mom and I went to Wingers to eat. Wingers is one of my favorite places to eat so I was more than happy. While I was eating I never felt more nervous in my life, I didn't know what to expect when going in. I started to think "what if it is cancer?" I just assumed from then on that I had cancer so it's time to just move on and deal with it. If you think of the worse circumstance things can't possibly get worse right? I wanted to be the brave,heroic, and positive person in this story. Unfortunately I was also the naive one.
When we were about to do my scan I was just nervous if the needle would hurt. While we were in the waiting room an older man asked me if I had ever had an IV done before. I responded, "No, I've never had anything wrong with me until now." He reassured me that the needle wouldn't hurt and CT scans are fast and easy. He was right, the needle was a small prick, but I was not prepared for the scan. We had to wait a while longer because they needed the radiolagist to help in the ER. When he came to get me, he also reassured me that it is safe and easy, but what I didn't expect him to say was," When you feel like you peed a hot liquid, that is normal but also know that you didn't pee your pants." was he serious? Of course he was serious, it was the weirdest but one of the coolest feelings I had experienced.
The scan only took a few minutes so I hurried to work after that and was only at work for a hour. I had to wait over the weekend till I found out the results of my scan at my Doctors appointment. On monday when we went in to see my results what we found was shocking not only to me, but also my doctor.

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