
Friday, February 22, 2013

Stand Up To Cancer

Since my body was starting to heal my hair finally started to grow, when I first got my hair my head was like a fuzzy peach. I still had some major bald spots in the back of my head that hadn't grown hair yet, but I was growing hair again! I asked my mom what my hair was like when I was a baby and she only told me that I had always had hair, so technically this was the only time I've ever been bald. My left eye didn't have any eyelashes on the top or bottom, and since my eye looked a little sunken in I thought I would purchase some fake eyelashes for both eyes so I would match just a little. Well, I tried the eyelashes and they weren't easy to put on without real eyelashes. I only used it a couple times, but when I did it was a sloppy job so I stopped using the eyelashes.
To torture myself through another emotional rollercoaster I decided to watch the "Stand Up To Cancer" program on September 7th. I never used to listen to these stories, I knew that cancer was terrible and people had to go through a lot. I even knew people who had cancer or other diseases and other trials and tribulations. But being a patient yourself is a whole different story, cancer was a wake-up call. People aren't just suffering, people are dying. This disease has become more of an epidemic, something is not right for so many people to suffer like this.
We as the natural man don't put ourselves in others' shoes unless it becomes personal, whether someone we love is going through something hard or it be ourselves. Why is it that we just don't care about strangers or others we don't understand to just let them suffer? We as patients and troubled people expect to hear encouragement from our loved ones, but we really think and are motivated by the people who don't know us, because they did it out of their way. They are the saints that make a difference in the world one person at a time. I encourage people to help their family and loved ones, but I would advise to help a neighbor you don't know, a co-worker you don't usually talk to, or someone you don't know. Everyone is battling some kind of trial. Everyone needs someone to talk to or just a friend.
Everytime I hear a story about someone suffering from a scary disease like cancer I have to listen to the story, because I am more understanding as to what they have to go through or gone through. My experience is different from anyone else's, but I like to look back on my life and hear about how familiar other people's problems are to mine.

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